12월 4, 2019
Ten Taiwanese companies have expressed their interest in investing a total of $2 billion in Kampong Speu province, particularly in the agriculture and agro-industry sectors, provincial governor Vei Samnang said on Monday.
Samnang told The Post that the company executives were most keen on growing paddy, rubber and coconut.
He said the recent increase in investment in Kampong Speu was due to efforts by the provincial authorities, as well as the province’s favourable location between Phnom Penh and Preah Sihanouk province, with many roads linking to other provinces.
“On Sunday, I met with 10 Taiwanese investors. They said they wanted to invest in Kampong Speu province.
“Investment from foreign investors not only creates new employment opportunities for the people but also brings new technology to Cambodia,” Samnang said.
The companies included Hainan State Farms Holding Group Co Ltd, China Hainan Natural Rubber Industry Group Co Ltd and Hainan Ruixiang Tropical Economic Investment Group Co Ltd, he said.
Cambodia Chamber of Commerce vice-president Lim Heng said Kampong Speu province will see further investment growth with National Road 4, a prominent part of the Cambodia Industrial Development Policy 2015-2025.http://https://www.phnompenhpost.com/business/taiwan-firms-look-invest-2b-kampong-speu