Sub-decree outlines Covid measures

Prime Minister Hun Sen on March 31 issued a sub-decree detailing administrative measures to contain the spread of Covid-19, including potential travel restrictions, public gathering, curfew, and lockdown to certain areas, among others.

Comprising seven chapters and 23 articles, the seven-page sub-decree was signed by Hun Sen on March 31.


Article 4 states that travel is restricted, except commutes for work, shopping for food, health services and other purposes deemed necessary.

Article 5 stipulates that all public gatherings are forbidden, except among family members living in the same home, funeral rites as permitted by the local authorities, Covid-19 sample collections, or activities related to judicial police procedures.


Article 6 dictates that all business activities are temporarilly banned, except for necessary public works on utilities, online business, take-out at restaurants, food delivery, petrol services, post and emergency services.

According to Article 8: “All purposes of travel that are permitted by Article 4 are not allowed from 8pm to 5am, save for family emergencies, food delivery, travel that serves the public good, commutes to places of business and workplace as permitted by the authorities.”

All businesses that require travel that is permitted by the sub-decree must cease operations from 8pm to 5am, except for ambulance and health services, petrol, and other public services permitted by the authorities.

Travel to locations exposed to Covid-19 is banned, except for emergency and other necessary public services, food delivery or as permitted by the authorities, Article 9 states.

Article 11 says lockdown or other specific administrative measures throughout the country will be determined by government decision. Municipal and provincial governors have the authority to issue administrative measures in any part of their jurisdictions affected by Covid-19. Any administrative measures are to last for two weeks and can be extended for the same term.http://