Construction date yet to be set for $1.3B coal-fired station

A nearly $1.3 billion coal-fired power station project in Preah Sihanouk province is still in the research and development stage with a construction date still not set, a Ministry of Mines and Energy spokesman told The Post.

The 700-megawatt power station project, set to be developed by the Cambodia International Investment Development Group (CIIDG), was approved by the Council of Ministers of Cambodia on May 25 last year as a 35-year build-operate-transfer project.


After approval, the project was scheduled to begin early this year, but has now faced delays. However, ministry spokesman Victor Jona said he is still optimistic that the project will commence this year.

He told The Post late last week that because of the size of the project it will have a significant impact on the surrounding area in terms of noise and vibration. Therefore, an extensive study of the soil and surrounding area is being conducted before commencing construction.


“Currently, the company is drilling to take soil to examine. Construction could begin as soon as this year,” he said.

The project is divided into two phases, with each phase set to contribute 350 megawatt to Cambodia’s national grid network. The first phase is expected to be integrated into the national grid by 2023, while the second phase will be integrated the following year.

Despite Cambodia’s electricity demand set to rise between 18-20 per cent by next year, Jona said there will be no shortage of electricity.http://