Beyond coffee in Cambodia

BROWN Coffee and Bakery was established in 2009 by a group of young Cambodian entrepreneurs. Serving coffee and food, the business is a homegrown Cambodian success story. It now boasts the third highest number of stores in the capital at 19, with two more stores planned for later in the year.

The Cambodian coffee market is continuing to grow despite its current crowded nature.

Establishing a new brand may present a difficult proposition in today’s crowded market.

Continuing to build an established brand is a much more accessible proposition. Brown Coffee and Bakery are equipped with a strong enough customer base and many unique points of difference that represent real choice for customers, and the opportunity to grow despite the crowded nature of the sector.

To find out more about the business The Post spoke to Chem Srey Oeun, Brand Manager for Brown Coffee and Bakery. The Post asked Srey Ouen what the key to their success was, she said there were three key points to this success, “the first point was to help create a particularly Cambodian coffee culture” said Srey Ouen.


Until quite recently, coffee was seen as an older persons drink in Cambodian culture, mostly restricted to road side stalls.

The coffee was fine but Brown Coffee and Bakery are now “pushing for a modern style” said Srey Ouen.